Public Administration Default - Assis & Siqueira Advogados


The Public Administration Default area is essential for companies contracting with the government and needing assurance that payments will be made as agreed.

Given the complexity of transactions with government entities, our team offers specialized support to navigate the intricate legal and administrative processes involved in the collection of public debts.

Isabela Muenchen Mumbach, Area Coordinator

Main Aspects

Public Administration Default


As established by Law No. 4.320/64, the commitment is the process used by the Public Administration to reserve amounts to be contracted with third parties, establishing a future obligation of payment by the State.


Liquidation is the procedure that confirms the creditor's right to receive payment, based on the verification of titles and documents that prove the credit. This includes the analysis of delivery receipts, received invoices, shipping slips, measurement authorizations, among others.

Outstanding Payables

Outstanding payables refer to expenses that were committed but not settled by the end of the fiscal year on December 31. They can be classified as processed, which are expenses already liquidated, and unprocessed, which are still awaiting recognition.

Chronological Order of Payments

Payments must be made in the chronological order in which the requests were filed with the public agency. Current legislation prohibits the payment of an invoice that was filed after another still pending, ensuring a logical and legal sequence in the debt settlement process.

This area not only helps recover due amounts but also strengthens relationships between companies and public administration, establishing solid foundations for future and sustainable business with the government.

By choosing Assis & Siqueira, companies ensure that their rights as creditors are respected and that they can continue contributing to the development of a more just and balanced society.

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