Administrative Improbity - Assis & Siqueira Advogados


The Administrative Improbity area is a critical practice area that involves a detailed and specialized approach, specifically designed to address the complex legal challenges related to public contracts, public procurement, and bidding processes.

This service stands out for its constant vigilance over changes and interpretations of the Anti-Corruption Law and other relevant legislation, offering both defenses and preventive strategies to protect clients from potential legal repercussions.

Mariana Assis, Partner and Coordinator of the Area.

Main Aspects

Administrative Improbity

Legal Monitoring and Interpretation

The team maintains constant monitoring of jurisprudence and legislative changes related to corruption crimes, bidding fraud, and other forms of administrative improbity. This includes the analysis of cases that may directly impact the clients interests.

Court of Auditors Defenses

Assis & Siqueira offers technical defenses to contain administrative processes and legal actions in the Courts of Auditors and other regulatory entities. This involves managing cases of bidding fraud, collusion between companies, active and passive corruption, and other illegal practices.

Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC)

Negotiation and implementation of TACs with affected bodies, the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU), or the Public Prosecutor's Office as ways to resolve disputes and avoid greater penalties.

Reimbursement to the Treasury

Assis & Siqueira develops strategies for planned and anticipated reimbursement to the Treasury, thereby protecting clients assets and inheritances against potential sanctions.

Compliance and Due Diligence

Implementation of compliance actions and conducting due diligence to ensure that clients operations comply with applicable laws and regulations, reducing the risk of involvement in improper practices.

Crimes and Legal Actions Addressed

Crimes of corruption (active and passive), embezzlement, extortion, misappropriation of social security funds, forgery of public documents, irregular employment of public funds, illicit enrichment, among others. The Assis & Siqueira team is prepared to handle these complexities with the utmost efficiency and legal depth.

This service is essential for companies involved in high-risk activities such as public bidding and contracts, offering a crucial layer of legal and strategic protection.

With both preventive and reactive approaches, Assis & Siqueira positions itself as an indispensable ally for companies seeking not only to defend themselves against charges of improbity but also to establish robust governance and compliance practices.

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